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Date of last update: 30/12/2022



This site, accessible at the following URL:, is published by: KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES,  registered on the list of VTC under the number . ..................., whose head office is located at 53 Avenue du Maine 75014 PARIS, represented by Karine PETITGENET duly authorized. The Site is hosted by Wix.



The general conditions of sale (the "General Conditions of Sale", or the "GTC") are applicable exclusively to the online sale of the services offered by KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES on the Website. The GCS are made available to customers on the Site where they can be directly consulted and can also be communicated to them on simple request by any means. The T&Cs are enforceable against the customer who acknowledges, by ticking a box provided for this purpose, to have been aware of them and to have accepted them before placing an order. The validation of the order by its confirmation is worth adhesion by the purchaser to the CGV in force on the day of the order whose conservation and reproduction are ensured by KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES. The T&Cs are also systematically sent with any order confirmation sent to the Customer. Any Customer is therefore deemed to have read and unreservedly accepted all the provisions of the GCS, which will apply to all services performed by KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES. The GTCS shall prevail over any conflicting clauses and conditions that may appear in the general conditions of purchase or any other document issued by the Customer. 



The Site is an online sales site for services AND transport of people by VTC (Transport vehicle with driver, for transfers and availability open to any natural or legal person using the Site  KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES The Services presented on the Site are each subject to a description mentioning their essential characteristics.The photographs illustrating the Services do not constitute a contractual document.The Services comply with the requirements of French law in force. The Customer remains responsible for the terms and consequences of his access to the Site, in particular via the Internet.This access may involve the payment of fees to technical service providers such as Internet access providers, which remain his responsibility. In addition, the Customer must provide and be fully responsible for the equipment necessary to connect to the Site. t have verified that the computer configuration it uses is secure and in working order.



NB: The creation of an account or customer space is not a prerequisite for access to our services and our services. If however the customer wishes, or decides to create a customer space to place an order on the Site, the Customer must first create his personal customer space. Once created, to access it, the Customer must identify himself using his username and his secret, personal and confidential password. It is the Customer's responsibility not to communicate his username and password in accordance with the provisions of the PERSONAL DATA article herein. Each Customer undertakes to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the data, in particular the username and password, allowing him to access his customer area, the Customer acknowledging that he is solely responsible for access to the Service through his username and password, except proven fraud. Each Customer also undertakes to inform KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES without delay in the event of loss, misappropriation or fraudulent use of their username and/or password. After the creation of his personal customer space, the Customer will receive an email confirming the creation of his customer space. The Customer undertakes when registering to: - deliver real, accurate, up-to-date information at the time of entry into the service registration form, and in particular not to use false names or addresses, or names or addresses without permission. - keep the registration data up to date in order to permanently guarantee their real, exact and up-to-date nature. The Client further undertakes not to make available or distribute illicit or reprehensible information (such as defamatory information or information constituting identity theft) or even harmful information (such as viruses). Otherwise, KE GROOM AND DRIVER will be able to suspend or terminate the Customer's access to the Site at their sole fault.


Article 5 – ORDERS

When placing an order, the Customer must select the Services chosen, add them to his basket, indicating the Services selected and the quantities desired. The Customer has the possibility to check the details of his order and its total price, and to return to the previous pages to possibly correct the contents of his basket, before validating it. The Customer undertakes to read the General Conditions then in force before accepting them and to confirm the terms and any costs of delivery and withdrawal prior to payment of his order. Confirmation of the order entails acceptance of the GCS and forms the contract. The Customer's attention is particularly drawn to the method of acceptance of the order placed on the Site. When the Customer places his order he must confirm it by the total payment of the invoice, then he will receive the confirmation of the order by email as well as the details of this one (transfer or provision). That is to say that after having selected the Products added to the basket, the Customer must check and possibly correct the content of his order (identification, dates and times of pick-up, number of people and luggage, type desired vehicle, price, terms and specifics of the trip such as baby, person with reduced mobility, bicycle, etc.) before validating it by clicking on "I validate my delivery", then he acknowledges accepting these GCS before clicking on the " I pay”, finally he validates his order after having filled in his bank details. The "double click" is equivalent to an electronic signature and is equivalent to a handwritten signature. It constitutes an irrevocable and unreserved acceptance of the order by the Customer. The archiving of communications, purchase orders and invoices is ensured by KE GROOM AND DRIVER on a reliable and durable medium so as to constitute a faithful and durable copy. These communications, purchase orders and invoices can be produced as proof of the contract. Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by KE GROOM AND DRIVER on the Internet or by telephone constitutes proof of all transactions between KE GROOM AND DRIVER and its Customers. A copy of these General Conditions as accepted by the Customer will be sent to the Customer by e-mail at the time of confirmation of his Order so that the latter can refer to it. The contractual information relating to the order (including in particular the order number) will be confirmed by e-mail in good time and at the latest at the time of delivery. KE GROOM AND DRIVER strongly advises the Customer to print and/or archive this order confirmation on a reliable and durable medium as proof. A digital invoice is made available to the Customer in the "my account" area. KE GROOM AND DRIVER also advises the Customer to print and/or archive this invoice on a reliable and durable medium as proof. Any email that will be sent to the Customer as part of an order will be sent to the email address that the Customer uses to identify himself in his customer area. KE GROOM AND DRIVER reserves the right not to validate the Customer's order for any legitimate reason, in particular in the event that:

● The Customer would not respect the General Conditions in force at the time of his order;

● The Customer's order history shows that sums remain due under previous orders;

● One of the Customer's previous orders is the subject of a dispute being processed;

● The Customer has not responded to a request for confirmation of his order sent to him by KE GROOM AND DRIVER.



The Customer expressly acknowledges that any order made on the Site is an order with payment obligation, which requires the payment of a price against the provision of the Service ordered. The Customer is informed that the provision of the Service cannot be made before full collection by KE GROOM AND DRIVER of the sums due by the Customer. KE GROOM AND DRIVER uses the online payment solution Stripe, Paypal, bank transfer. Orders can be paid using one of the following payment methods: Secure payment by credit card (Stripe, Paypal, Bank transfer) KE GROOM AND DRIVER accepts Payments by credit card on board, as well as cash payments


● Payment by credit card. Payment is made directly on the secure banking servers of the KE GROOM AND DRIVER bank, the Customer's bank details do not pass through the Site. The bank details provided during payment are protected by an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption process. In this way, these coordinates are not accessible to third parties. The Customer's order is recorded and validated upon acceptance of payment by the bank. The Customer's account will be debited with the corresponding amount only when (i) the details of the bank card used have been verified and (ii) the debit has been accepted by the bank that issued the bank card. The impossibility of debiting the sums due will result in the immediate nullity of the sale. The credit card may in particular be refused if it has expired, if it has reached the maximum amount of expenditure to which the Customer is entitled or if the data entered is incorrect.


● Payment by PayPal electronic wallet. The Customer already has an account on the electronic wallet used by KE GROOM AND DRIVER. The Customer can use this account and pay for his order securely without communicating his bank details.



The price of the Services in force at the time of the order is indicated in euros all taxes included (TTC) on the Site. 



The Customer will benefit from a withdrawal period of forty-eight hours (48 hours) from the time of the transfer service and Provisions. For other company services, the customer will have fourteen (14) days from the conclusion of the contract, in accordance with Article L. 221-19 of the Consumer Code. No sum is due by the Customer having exercised his right of withdrawal if his express request has not been collected or if KE GROOM AND DRIVER has not complied with the information obligation provided for in 4° of the article L. 221-5 of the Consumer Code. In accordance with article L.221-21 of the Consumer Code and in order to implement this right of withdrawal under the conditions of articles L. 221-18 and following of the Consumer Code, the Customer is invited to contact the KE GROOM AND DRIVER by the various means of contact available on the website and will send an acknowledgment of receipt of the Customer's withdrawal request by e-mail. If necessary, the Customer may exercise his right of withdrawal by notifying the following information to KE GROOM AND DRIVER  : - name, geographical address, telephone number and email address; - decision to withdraw by means of an unambiguous statement (for example, letter sent by post, fax or e-mail when these contact details are available and therefore appear on the standard withdrawal form). The Customer can use the model withdrawal form but it is not mandatory. 



The Customer can contact KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES  : ● at the following number 0788271069 day and night. ● by e-mail to indicating his name, telephone number, the subject of his request and the number of the order concerned.



KE  GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES is the sole owner of certain elements present on the Site, in particular and without limitation, all texts, files, images animated or not, photographs, videos, logos, drawings, models, software , trademarks, visual identity, database, structure of the Site and all other elements of intellectual property and other data or information (hereinafter, the "Elements") which are protected by French and international laws and regulations relating in particular to the intellectual property. Consequently, these Elements of the Site may not in whole or in part be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transmitted, published, communicated, distributed, broadcast, represented, stored, used, rented or exploited in any other way, free of charge or against payment, by a Customer or by a third party, whatever the means and/or media used, whether known or unknown to date, without the prior express written authorization of KE GROOM AND DRIVER on a case-by-case basis, and the Customer is solely responsible for any unauthorized use and/or exploitation. KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES is the sole owner of certain elements present on the Site, in particular and without limitation, all texts, files, images, whether animated or not, photographs, videos, logos, designs, models, software, brands, visual identity, database data, structure of the Site and all other elements of intellectual property and other data or information (hereinafter, the “Elements”) which are protected by French and international laws and regulations relating in particular to intellectual property. Consequently, none of the Elements of the Site may in whole or in part be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transmitted, published, communicated, distributed, broadcast, represented, stored, used, rented or exploited in any other way. , free of charge or against payment, by a Client or by a third party, whatever the means and/or media used, whether known or unknown to date, without the express prior written authorization of KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES on a case-by-case basis, and the Customer is solely responsible for any unauthorized use and/or exploitation. Furthermore, it is specified that KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES is not the owner of the content put online by the Customers, for which the latter remain fully responsible and guarantee the Company against any recourse in this respect. Customers grant the Company a non-exclusive transferable, sublicensable, free and worldwide license to use the intellectual property content they publish on the Site, for the entire duration of protection of this content. KE GROOM AND DRIVER reserves the right to take legal action against persons who have not complied with the prohibitions contained in this article.



KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES declares that it has taken out insurance guaranteeing its professional and contractual liability. Users cannot publish content on the Site KE GROOM AND DRIVER cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract due to the Customer or due to an event qualified as force majeure by the competent courts or due to the fact unpredictable and insurmountable of any third party hereto. The Customer acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet. Thus, KE GROOM AND DRIVER does not guarantee that the Site and its services will operate without interruption or operating error. In particular, their operation may be temporarily interrupted for maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to change the content and/or their presentation. KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES cannot be held responsible for the use that would be made of the Site and its services by Customers in violation of these General Conditions and for the direct or indirect damage that this use could cause to a Customer or to a third. In particular, KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES cannot be held responsible for false declarations made by a Customer and his behavior vis-à-vis third parties. In the event that the responsibility of KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES is sought because of such behavior of one of its Customers, the latter undertakes to guarantee against any conviction pronounced against it as well as to reimburse KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES for all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred in its defence. The Customer acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions over the Internet. Thus, KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES does not guarantee that the Site and its services will operate without interruption or operating error. In particular, their operation may be temporarily interrupted for maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or to change the content and/or their presentation.  Cannot be held responsible for the use that would be made of the Site and its services by Customers in violation of these General Conditions and for the direct or indirect damage that this use could cause to a Customer or to a third party._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_



Each Customer is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his username and password, and is solely responsible for all access to his Customer Account, whether authorized or not. KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES cannot be held responsible for any harmful action or fact carried out via the Customer's personal space by a third party who has had access to his identifiers and password following a fault or negligence attributable to the Customer. . The Customer undertakes to inform immediately when the Customer becomes aware of or suspects unauthorized use or unauthorized access to his personal space. 


Article 13 – REFERENCES

The Client authorizes KE GROOM AND DRIVER SERVICES to mention the Client's name, its logo as a reference in its communication media (brochure, website, commercial proposal, press relations, press release, press kit, internal communication , etc.).

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